

Chloe Lael Brown is a vocalist, arranger, and producer from Meredith, New Hampshire. Growing up in such a small town, Chloe was mostly self taught outside of her school’s music and theater programs, even teaching herself saxophone and electric bass. She’s been a member and leader of multiple ensembles, including a professional worship team, a jazz band, and an a capella group. After arranging her own audition piece, she was accepted to Berklee College of Music.




While diving into music personally, Chloe was growing up in a family that cultivated imagination. With a Mother entrenched in classic fantasy and sci-fi literature, and a Father deeply in love with video games, the Brown household was one dedicated to the whimsical; whether it be Lord of the Rings or Frogger, Warcraft or Ender’s Game.


Story Telling~


When Chloe finally made her way to Berklee, she began seeing music in a more profound way. Now that she could dedicate her life to art, she could dissect exactly what purpose it held in her life. As she continued to learn more and more, she started noticing that one thing was constant in everything she loved: story. Music was her way to communicate the stories that her parent’s instilled in her. Instead of words or pixels, she tells her stories in melody and harmony.