
“Lenore” is a piece inspired by an Edgar Allan Poe poem of the same name. Inspired by feminine death at the hands of masculine expectation, this live string quintet flows through five movements that explore the different perspectives of the woman, Lenore; ultimately culminating in her own vision of herself.

“Race to the Edge” is an action cue inspired by CBS’ Survivor.

A rescore of a thirty second Burt’s Bees ad complete with sound design and voice over.

Inspired by and sharing the words of an Amiri Baraka poem of the same name, “20 Volume Suicide Note” is a look at suicidal ideation through numbing electro-industrialism.

“Havoc” is a culmination of my thoughts regarding growing up low income in the form of a metalcore track; analyzing the emotional turmoil of feeling like a living blood sacrifice for those above you, becoming numb to the suffering that is constantly on display, to finally going mad with acceptance.

A rescore of a thirty second Clorox ad with sound design and voice over.